會員大會資訊 2020
Annual members’ meeting 2020
2021年會員大會將於星期日6月27日上午11時15分舉行。屆時將投票通過:a) 2020年度財務報吿,2021年7月1日至2022年6月30日年度財務預算;b) 2021至2023年度執事選舉;c) 通過任命鄒潤傑傳道由2021年7月1日開始出任為堂主任 (Lead Pastor)。如有查詢,請與吳家駿執事(Thomas Ng) 聯絡或電郵至mccc.boa@gmail.com。由於疫情影響,聚會人數受到限制,是次大會將以現場及提前投票形式(Advance Voting)進行,本會會員請務必出席,並歡迎非會員列席,敬請禱告記念。
有關會員大會的各項安排,請留意下列日期及時間。執事會將會發送財務報告,財務預算及執事候選名單給各會員;並在6月13日透過Zoom舉行事工報告、前瞻和財務答問大會,各會員可預先提交問題至mccc.boa@gmail.com。提前投票(Advance Voting) 將在本星期六6月19日開始,會員必須親自前往教會投票,代理投票(proxy)將不予接納。投票當日也會請會員核實正式名字、住址、連絡電話、電郵等個人資料。敬請繼續禱告記念。
2021 Annual Members Meeting (AMM): Sunday June 27, 11:15am virtual meeting via Zoom.
In this AMM, we will vote for
a) 2020 Financial Report & Budget from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
b) Deacon(s) for 2021 to 2023
c) Pastor Patrick Chau as Lead Pastor from July 1, 2021
For any enquiry, please contact Deacon Thomas Ng or email to mccc.boa@gmail.com. Due to Pandemic and limitation in attendance, there will be advance voting at church and on-site voting. Members must attend and non-members are welcome to the June 27 meeting. Details will be posted later. Please pray for AMM.
Regarding AMM arrangement, please refer to the schedule in the following chart. BOA will send out Financial Report, Budget and Deacon candidates’ information to each member. On June 13, pre-meeting presentation (Ministry report, Direction presentation and Financial Q&A) will be held through Zoom meeting; members can email questions to mccc.boa@gmail.com beforehand. Advance Voting will be available starting Saturday June 19, members must come to church in person for voting, proxy is not accepted. When you come to vote, we would like to update our record of your official name, mailing address, contact number and email address etc. Please continue to pray for AMM.