English sunday Service

february 2, 2025

sermon topic: 

Return – A New Beginning

Scripture: Ezra 1:1-11

Speaker: Pastor Amy Ho


Main points:

  1. A New Beginning after a long period of Disruption
  2. A New Passion after a long period of Discouragement
  3. 3.  A New Challenge after a long period of Stability

Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions:

  1. Where in my life do I need a new beginning after a period of disruption?
  • Just as God gave His people a fresh start after their exile, is there an area in my life where I feel stuck or discouraged that God might be calling me to restart with renewed faith?
  1. Has my spiritual life been rising or declining like the tide?
  • The sermon highlights how spiritual life fluctuates over time. Have I been experiencing a season of spiritual passion, or have I become complacent and in need of renewal?
  1. Am I willing to step out of stability and comfort to follow God’s call?
  • Many exiles chose to remain in Babylon rather than return to Jerusalem. Am I holding onto a comfortable but spiritually stagnant life when God might be calling me into something new and uncertain?

English sunday Service

january 26, 2025

sermon topic: 

Refocus: Showing Up In Prayer

Scripture: Ephesians 6:17-20

Speaker: Pastor Crystal Tse


Main points:
Prayer is…
Guided by the Spirit
More powerful with other people

Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions:

1. How is God’s Word speaking to you? How are you responding to Him? Is there something blocking you from hearing from him? Do you need to change something in your life to hear from Him?
2. Who are your prayer people? Find a couple of people who you can ask to pray for you and you to pray for them.
3. Is there someone or an initiative, etc., that God has placed in your heart to pray for?

English sunday Service

january 19, 2025

sermon topic: 

Refocus: Living with the Lord & His Mission at the Center

Scripture: Numbers 2:1-34

Speaker: Rev. Daniel Lee


Main Points

Living God-Centered lives means that…

  1. God is first; He is the priority, and all other areas of our lives are centered around Him.
  2. We are to seriously follow and obey God given instructions.
  3. We live in unity with brothers and sisters in the body of Christ each doing his/her part without division or jealousy.


Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions:

  1. Does God take center place in your life, and if not, what does?  What would you need to do to make God first and center in your life?
  2. Do you genuinely try to obey and follow all of God’s commands and instructions, or are there some that you dismiss and turn a blind eye towards?
  3. Do you love all the brothers and sisters in church and live in unity with them? If not, why not? What can you do to be more loving and united with all brothers and sisters in church?